THAT'S ME IN THE MIDDLE... leaning on the man of my dreams and surrounded by all the tiny humans we’re raising together! Six of them to be exact, all within 6 years of each other. And there’s nothing on Earth I love more than getting to be theirs.
Aside from the mama hustle, I also make art to inspire living an intentional, creative life. I made my painting debut at the age of two with a bottle of my mom's red nail polish and my body as the canvas. Luckily, I got better at painting and learned that nail polish is best used on what its for.
Growing up in Southern California there was rarely a time I wasn't drawing or painting or creating something. Coming from a background of gifted artists on both sides of the family, its as though I was born to create. After studying fine art in college I decided that my deepest desire was to live out of who I was created to be as an artist and give freelancing a try. Since then, my portfolio has consisted of anything from painting murals to designing invitations to hand lettering menus and continues to grow.
I’m so glad you stopped by to take a peek here, I hope you stay a while and know that you’re always welcome here.
You can also follow along on Instagram where I share more daily life and behind the scenes.