10 Creative Things to do with Your Kids This Spring | Intentional Living

I love making space for creativity in new ways around our home whenever the seasons change or a holiday is coming up. With busy schedules and kiddos to take care of I know thinking of ideas can be the last thing on your mind.
So to make it easier for you, I'm sharing a list of fun things you and your kiddos can do together this Spring to make your time a little more intentional and memorable. Whether you're at home taking care of toddlers, homeschooling your big kids, or hanging out with your older ones over the weekend, us mamas know that even as our kids grow, making time to be together creating memories is the best way our time can be spent.
Here's a handful of ideas you can use as you lead into the Spring season:
1. Decorate Easter eggs together
This doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. If dying eggs isn’t your thing, or even painting eggs then let’s think a little differently. Maybe you cut out an egg shape on a piece of card board to paint or color on or grab some wooden eggs to draw on. Keep it simple for yourself and your kiddos and you’ll have way more fun with it.
2. Eat some chocolate (or your favorite special treats)
Chocolate always makes the day a little more special (in my opinion). FIll a jar or bowl with small chocolate treats for the kids to have after school or to leave on the counter for a fun touch. Don’t forget to make a secret stash for yourself when tthe kids are all in bed too! ;)
3. Bake carrot cake or cupcakes together
Ok, so it doesn't have to be carrot cake if you’re not into that–but baking something together that is on theme for the season adds a little more fun and creativity to the mix. Maybe it’s spring themed strawberry muffins, or a peach pie! Just make it spring themed and have fun with it!
4. Have a picnic outside
The weather in Phoenix this time of year is the peeeeerrrfect for outdoor activities and picnics are a MUST whenever the temps reach the 70s. Grab your favorite blanket and fill a basket with snacks or make a lunch and take it to the park or stay put right at home. Some of our favorite picnics have been right in our own backyard.
5. Plant a small garden
Or put some flowers in pots around your front and back porch. My kids look forward to doing this every Spring and it’s a fun way to not only add beauty to your space, but also a simple activity to do together while being outside.
6. Gather flowers (faux or real)
I mean, nothing says spring like flowers around the house, right!? If you have a flower garden gather a bouquet to bring to the table. Or if you don’t have a garden grab some faux flowers like these that look just as real and beautiful.
7. Decorate the table for a pretty spring dinner
Now that some of my girls are a bit older, they love decorating the table whenever the occasion calls for it. Making a pretty Spring table for Easter brunch or dinner is a perfect opportunity to do this together.
8. Read Easter or Spring books together
Something I love putting in my kids Easter baskets every year are new books for them to read. If I find good ones, I’ll give them Easter or Spring time books but if not I’ll choose some of their favorites. I have a whole list of kids books we’ve loved and gathered over the years here.
9. Paint rainbows on canvas or watercolor paper
If you’re looking for more of an artful creative activity this would be a super simple and fun one to do. The possibilities are endless and all you need are a few supplies. Gather a few colors of paint or markers and let your kids' creativity run wild. You may be surprised at how creative your kids ideas turn out!
10. Make a special treat to give to a neighbor or someone you love
When you bake a Spring themed treat together, why not make a little more for a friend or neighbor. Not only will your friends love receiving it but it will also create a meaningful memory with your kids and instill in them the joy it bring to make and create something for others.

I hope you and your kiddos get to do some of these together and that it sparked some creative inspiration for you to make a meaningful and creative Spring this season.
If you have more ideas you’d love to share, I’d love to hear about them.
Drop a comment below and let me know!