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Playhouse Revamp Before Pics | Inspiration Board & Ideas
Follow along as we get creative and update the kid's playhouse. Peek inside to see the theme we came up with and the inspiration board for the design. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
10 Creative Things to do with Your Kids This Spring | Intentional Living
10 creative things to do with your kids for Easter time and Spring. Use these to spark ideas or try them for yourself. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
How to Frame Artwork & My favorite Frames | Creative Living
I get asked every now and then where I get our frames to use for my art or pictures in our home. While there are many options out there I know it can be overwhelming to choose and sometimes you just need a guide to just tell you exactly what to do. So that’s what this post is for. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
5 Easy Ways to Display Your Kids Art in Your Home | Creative Living
Not sure what to do with all the artwork your kids have created over the years? I'm sharing 5 ways you can use them in a beautiful way that fits well within your home. We've used each of these in ours and I hope you find them helpful. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
10 Creative Ways to Decorate for Valentine’s Day Without Being Cheesy | Creative Living
Here are 10 easy ways to decorate for Valentine's day that aren't cheesy. These come in handy for when you want to be creative but need something fast and simple to do, especially when you're a busy mama. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
8 Art Prints That Are Perfect for Valentine's Day | Creative Living
A round up of the perfect art prints to gift for Valentine's day that can be used in your home all year long. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
13 Ideas to Effortlessly Add Creativity Around Your Home | Creative Living
Use these ideas to easily boost your home with creativity and beauty in an almost effortless way. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
4 Easy Ways Add Creativity into Your Home This Year | Creative Living
One thing I’ve realized a lot more recently is how we have naturally brought creativity into our home in almost effortless ways and how that has infused creativity into every other aspect of our kid’s lives. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
A Cheap and Easy Way to Add Personal, Unique Art to Your Home
Wondering how to hang art and make your walls beautiful in a budget friendly way? This idea has become one of my favorite ways to add beauty to our home throughout the seasons. It not only saves you money and time searching for that "perfect one" all over the internet, but also makes for a unique and meaningful piece of work that no on else in the world will own but you!
Coley Kuyper
Inside the Studio | Redesigning my art space
Showing you a glimpse of my art studio before I redesign the space. Come on in and see where all the creating and magic happens!
Coley Kuyper