4 Easy Ways Add Creativity into Your Home This Year | Creative Living
I get asked often how it is that are kids are so creative and after thinking more on this I realized the ways we have naturally brought creativity into our home. Yes I know it helps that they have a mama who is also an artist, but I firmly believe that creativity can be brought into any home, with any type of personality, for any stage of life. Some of the things we've done are almost effortless and I've seen firsthand how they have infused creativity into all parts of our kid's lives. I see it in the way they play with friends or each other. I see it in how they problem solve or entertain themselves. I see it in how they think outside the box and how they are drawn to creating in almost anything they do.
So I thought of 4 things you can do to easily start adding creativity into your own home too. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming or overcomplicated and I hope these will serve as a way to inspire you to just start. You’ll be surprised at how much your mind and the natural creative gene in you will expand throughout the year when you do.
Here are 4 ways to easily add creativity into your home:
1. Set up a creating area in your home:
This can be as simple or as big as you’d like. Our house is small so we don’t have extra rooms to make a whole dedicated space for just creating. Instead I have a small table next to a wall in our living room with a couple baskets on top. One for papers and one for colored pencils. And that’s it. We’ve had it there since our oldest could start coloring and it has been a place our kids are constantly spending time at. This simple idea gives them the invitation to start creating whenever and however they want. They know that it’s there for whenever an idea pops into their head and they want to start making something. So keep it simple, make it inviting and pretty and let your kids have at it!
2. Make projects with things you already have at home:
I know us mamas have limited amounts of time to be running around to all the craft stores to grab more and more things– plus, if you’re like me I just don’t want to add anymore clutter to our home. So something I’ve tried to show my kids over the years is how to use things we already have at home to make something they want to create. And you know what, I think the projects they end up making are far more creative and amazing than anything we could’ve put together from buying more things at the store. Dollhouses from cardboard boxes, instruments from toilet paper rolls, masks and crowns from paper plates and the list goes on.
Here’s some things you can think of using in your own home: cereal boxes, cardboard, toilet paper and paper towel rolls and the paper from them, printer paper, tape, plastic cups, paper bowls and plates, string or yarn, fabric scraps, magazines, things you don’t use anymore, etc.
3. Change up or redecorate a room:
I love doing this with my kids and letting them be a part of the process with me. Not only does it let their creativity come to life but it also gives them ownership in their own creative ideas. With 7 kids under our roof we are regularly changing things up in our home as they grow to accommodate their ages and needs–which usually means switching up their bedrooms constantly. I’ve had them make decisions with me on how to rearrange, decorate or where to put things in their rooms. I not only want to give them freedom to use their creativity in this way but also want them to be excited to live in their own space (even as it’s being shared with a sibling). We recently moved around kids in different rooms which have also had my creative juices flowing so we are redoing my oldest’s room with her two younger siblings--a process I'm excited to take you into soon!
Maybe there’s something in your house you can give your kids ownership in to use their creativity too– redoing a bookshelf with pictures, picking out their own color to paint on their walls, decorating their door with all their favorite artwork, making and setting the table for dinner. There are numerous ways to let them into this that can be so easy and simple.
4. Designate crafting days together:
Plan it on the calendar like it’s an event! This will not only ease your mind in planning ahead, but also gives you and your kids something to look forward to. And it doesn’t have to take over your whole day. It can be just 30 minutes on a certain day every week. Or maybe 15 minutes every day. You can keep it as elaborate or as simple as you can handle too. Any little bit of creativity infused into your day is a guarantee for making it more fun and exciting.
And to make it extra easy for you, I have a whole library of printable coloring pages, tags, cards, and more that you can find inside my freebie vault too so you can easily have things on hand when you do plan a day like this for you and your kids. Sign up here to get access to it and I’ll send it straight to your inbox.
I hope these ideas inspire you to start bringing creativity into your home today and that you start to see the beauty doing this brings.
Tell me below which one you think you’ll try out first! I can’t wait to see.
xo, Coley