13 Ideas to Effortlessly Add Creativity Around Your Home | Creative Living
1. Hang art on the wall
In my opinion, there’s no better (and easier) way to inspire creativity than by hanging a piece you love on your walls, especially one that tells part of your story. I’m a huge believer in creating an environment around us that helps us thrive because what we surround ourselves with deeply matters. Hanging art on your wall, whether its a piece you found at a thrift store, one from an artist you love, or a drawing your kids created (or all three!) will not only inspire our creative senses, but will also add beauty to your home which inevitably seeps into your everyday life. Win win win! To make it even easier for you to do this, I’ve created plenty of beautiful pieces to help your home thrive. This Collection is one of my favorites and this one is one not only brings more meaning, but can also easily fit any style or room.
2. Make a gallery wall
Along with hanging art on your wall, go a little further with your creativity by making a gallery wall on a blank space in your home. Gallery walls are timeless and makes for an easy way to display lots of pieces you love. I love mixing things into it that are part of the overall story I want to tell within that space. This post gives you some good tips on making a gallery wall with personal and unique art.
3. Display art in unexpected places
Like in a small nook, on a bookshelf, in your kid’s bathroom like we did here, framed on a kitchen shelf, above your oven or kitchen sink, on a small blank wall that gets easily looked over. Take a look at your rooms and try to find a place that never gets looked at and think I could place art there! And voila, it instantly becomes more fun to look at!
4. Bring color into the room
I’m a neutral loving girl, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love color when it’s used tastefully. If you’re like me, think of how you can incorporate bits of color here and there that draw the eye into the space, rather than making it hard to know where to look and relax. For example, a throw pillow, a blanket draped over the couch, a large candle on your mantles, or the picture frames you use on your walls.
5. Put artistic books on display like children's books, fancy books, etc.
I’m a sucker for beautifully illustrated kids books and I love having these all around our home. On our coffee table, in the kids rooms, on bookshelves in our living room. Having them out makes them accessible to look at whenever you or your kids want, which allows for you to naturally be inspired by creativity whenever you look at them.
6. Play music in the morning as you get ready and/or in evening at dinner
I think music has a way to ease our minds and calm us when we are just getting started or winding down for the day. I love playing calming music or something that feels nostalgic when we’re getting settled in, ready to start, or even when we’re creating ourselves. And if you know me well, you know I love putting together a good playlist.
7. Use pretty aesthetically pleasing things for everyday items
Like your sponges to wash the dishes with, soap dispensers, scissors, catch all basket or bowls for the counter, tissue boxes, salt and pepper holders, or something pretty to place them on. It’s not only prettier to look at, it makes coming into your space more enjoyable to be in too.
8. Use warm and cozy lighting
I’ve loved using lamps in the evening and just got one of these to add to our kitchen and mantle for a simple and cozy way to bring warmth into the rooms.
9. Let natural light in during the day
Open the curtains and let it in. Natural light boosts our mood and helps bring calm into your space too. And it doesn't hurt to add some beautiful curtains to frame your opened window too!
10. Play an outdoor sport inside
This is something we do regularly (thanks to Shane) and it’s made some of our favorite memories in our home. I’m not talking full on baseball or tackle football, but think of how you can make in work in your home for moments of creative fun. Like pickleball in the kitchen, dodgeball in the living room, or making up a completely new game on your own. This especially comes in handy on days when you have no choice but to stay inside.
11. Add fresh flowers
Nothing says beauty like a fresh bouquet and adding these to our living room every once in a while adds life and elevates the whole room instantly, making it natural to inspire your creativity in a setting like this.
12. Make a creative nook to invite creativity
We have a small table in our living room with baskets full of blank paper and colored pencils. My kids are always drawn to this area to instantly create whatever comes to their mind. When there’s invitations like this around the house it becomes natural and inevitable that your kids will want to use their creativity. And you'll get the benefit of watching that kind of beauty unfold right before your eyes!
13. Designate a place to keep crafts supplies easy to find and bring out
We have a whole cabinet dedicated to all things craft and art where the kids can easily access it when they need to. This also makes it easy and simple to use their creativity whenever something pops into their head and they don’t have to rely on me to set everything up for them. Giving them agency like this allows for them to not only use their creative instincts more frequently but also helps them trust in their creative abilities which lead to them becoming more and more creative in all areas of life in the long run.
I plenty more ideas on how you can bring creativity into your life and I've made a free PDF for you to get the list to download here. Print it out and hang on your fridge so you can have it on a whim when you're in need of something to do quick.
FREE for you: 27 Easy Ideas to Effortlessly Spark Creativity In Your Home (even when life is busy)
I hope this helped boost your creative juices and that you use one of these in your life or around your home this week! Tell me in the comments which one you resonated with or sparked your interest most and how you might implement it too.
Thanks for being here friend,
January 30, 2024