8 Good Things | A Look Back & A Look Ahead

The good things looking ahead…
1 Carving out excess:
If last year taught me anything, it's that this time we have is so so precious and now more than ever before I want to be even better at “decluttering” my mind and life with the things that aren’t beneficial for me or my family. Creating space to be truly inspired and stress free means getting rid of the unhealth and the clutter (in my home and in my mind).
2 New art and products to come:
Seeing the amount of amazing customers I’ve had this season has given me a bigger boost of inspiration for all I want to offer the world this year. I’m planning to let you into more behind the scenes of collections, and the work I create during the making of it all. I just can't wait to see what this year will bring!
3 Traveling:
While I know we can never predict what our days will be like, we are hopeful for a new year of adventures and seeing new places with our family this year (which may have to do with that secret project ;)). But I’m holding these things loosely, trusting that God will lead us to where He wants us to be.
4 Making more memories:
One of the things I love most about being a mama is the memories Shane and I get to create for our family. When life gets hard or the norm gets thrown out the window, Shane and I continue to be on the same page about what matters most--the way we love each other and the way we love our kids. When we make these our priority everything else gets put into perspective and our life feels more full and purposeful from that. I can’t wait to see what another full year of memories will bring for us.

I hope this can inspire you in some way to write down the good things you have seen in this year. Something I started to do a few months back was write down one good thing a day that happened. It could be the time I got to drink my coffee in quiet, or the hug my 2 year old gave me or playing in the backyard with my kids. I found that doing this practice was not only refreshing to think about at the end of the day, but rewarding to look back on after months have gone by.
Here’s to a new year of memories, growth and good things to come!