Home | Dash's Big Boy Bed with Nestig
A few months ago the time finally came for Dash to upgrade to a big boy bed. I was preparing myself for a hard transition of trying to get him to stay in his room at bedtime. I tried to make it exciting and fun for him, and surprisingly he was ALL about it and could hardly wait to sleep in a big bed like his sisters. I think part of the excitement for him was also that Penny was going to be his new roommate which I think made him feel even more like a big brother.
No need for a crib? No problem! These cribs aren’t just a one and done deal--try THREE in one! How many of you have used a bassinet...then transitioned to a crib….AND then had to go search for a toddler bed?! Lets just say I’ve gone through this a few times ;) Bring in Nestig and all of those problems are solved! No need to go searching for three different beds for your child's first 2 years of life--they’ve thought of that and have done it all for you!
(And see how pretty!)
So we chose to use the Mountain crib as the toddler bed for Dash. This one is my favorite of them all--although it was so hard to pick just one because I really do love all of their designs. Each crib can be used as a mini-crib (bassinet), full crib, or toddler bed, how cool is that!?!