Dash’s Dinosaur 3rd Birthday Party
As his birthday was approaching, dinosaurs were all Dash could talk about. So naturally, the theme of his party had to follow up with his recent obsession. We tried to give him other options just to see if this was what he really wanted...and it was. Dinos all the way--and to be honest I’ve loved it! I love watching his boyness grow and how different it is from all of our girls. But equally, I love how our girls enter into the things that he loves to do and play with too (and vice versa).
Maybe part of growing up with a lot of siblings around means you naturally just play with whatever they are into too. But I like to believe that we’re growing something more in them as they get older, something that makes it natural for them to adapt and adjust to things that they wouldn’t normally choose. A decision to play with or enjoy what someone else loves because it means loving them and being with them in the moment. I get glimpses of this playing out as I hear them work out their differences and compromise on the activity they’ll play. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of times the fighting occurs, but by making it a natural response in our home to talk it out and think of how the other one feels, I hope this is instilling in them the ability to do something for the benefit of their relationship and for the benefit of the other.
Anywaaaays, a random tangent that just got me thinking how different it is in raising a boy, but how equally I love all the boy things he’s into as much as I’ve loved doing all the girl things with my girls.