Round Up | My Favorite Finds for Little Boys
I can’t believe our boy is three years old today! I can still remember the moment we found out he was a boy the minute he was born like it was last night. He’s brought so much joy and play and laughter into our family. Every minute of him getting bigger gets more and more fun--although he is entering the 3 year old phase of “toddler whoa’s” which has also been exhausting. But somehow his smile and cuddles and humor is making up for that tenfold. He’s been asking for a dinosaur birthday for a month now so mama’s getting to work on some fun things for that! It’s actually really exciting for me to put together more of a ‘boyish” party than what I’ve done in the past. Can’t wait to show you some of the things we’re coming up with for this one.
Baby Dash at one week old on the left. Dash at 2 from photos taken by Melissa Carlson
I often get asked what kind of things we have in our home for our kids to play with so I thought I’d do a round up of a few things we have and some things I’ve had my eye on for little ones too. A lot of these had boys in mind, but could easily be for any girl as well. Most of the toys we have are played with by both Dash and his sisters, which I love.

Two Christmases ago we got Dash this wooden blocks castle set and him and his sisters still play with them. We have multiple baskets full of blocks around here and they have been a favorite for our kids since Raleigh could start stacking them around age 2. We have a few Maileg mouse characters that my girls love to play with in their dollhouses and I love the tiny details and cuteness of them all. These other finds I think are super cute and neat for sensory play for littles (and honestly they look kinda fun to just play with as an adult too :)) Also, I recently discovered Heirloom Art Co. and I pretty much want everything on their site!
5. Wooden blocks castle set from Amazon
6. Maileg Chef Mouse from Heirloom Art Co.
7. Balance Baker from Heirloom Art Co.
8. Ball and hammer wooden toy from PB kids
I can't mention my favorite toys without inserting some kind of sporting equipment into it. Since Dash was a baby he's has a natural love for throwing, kicking, or catching a ball. We have multiple basketball hoops around our house (thanks Shane!) and a golfing net in our backyard so there's endless sports play around here. These train tracks and race track are also being played with in our living room non stop and I love the entertainment they bring.
9. Wooden train track set from Amazon we also have these trains to go with them
10. Basket ball light up hoop from Amazon
12. Wooden race track set from Amazon
And of course I couldn't go without sharing a few pieces of art that we have hung up in Dash's room and that were also inspired by him. When I first dreamt about having a boy I imagined the way I would put together a little boy's room and this phrase "lets play ball" was at the top of my list to create for it. It hangs right in the middle of Dash's room and without knowing it at the time when I painted it, I created something that couldn't be more fitting for his personality. The song lyrics were also inspired by a song I grew up singing with my own parents and now sing to Dash when I tuck him in at night. Having these as a piece of art brings back all those childhood memories for me and I hope someday it will for him too in a tangible way.
'Mama Bear & Baby' framed canvas
'Let's Play Ball' framed canvas
'People Let Me Tell You' framed canvas
Now I'm off to go celebrate our boy and do all the things his 3 year old self loves to do!