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13 Ideas to Effortlessly Add Creativity Around Your Home | Creative Living
Use these ideas to easily boost your home with creativity and beauty in an almost effortless way. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
Outer Space Birthday Party Ideas & Resources | Sage’s 8th Birthday Party
We did it! We pulled off an outer space themed party for our daughter Sage’s 8th birthday (per her request) and it was actually SO FUN to put together. I love how this challenged me to use my creativity in a different way...READ more...
Coley Kuyper
DIY Valentine's Craft Roundup 3 Easy Projects | Creative Living
You know I love a fun DIY that’s useful and cute! Valentine’s Day is one of our favorite holidays to make crafts for and my kids especially love...Read more...
Coley Kuyper
Tips for Bringing Kids to Disneyland | Creative Living
It’s no secret that we are big fans of Disney in our home. I grew up in Orange County and I had the privilege of frequent trips to Disneyland as a part of my childhood. I certainly never imagined when I moved to Arizona...Read more...
Coley Kuyper
Transform Your Next Party with These Simple Ideas | Sage's Outer Space Party Inspiration Part One
Well she certainly has a knack for creativity. Our fourth daughter Sage is never dull on creative, fun, and out of the box ideas for a party. But I kind of love it too because... Read more...
Coley Kuyper
3 Easy Projects to Inspire Kids Creativity
I know as busy mamas it can feel overwhelming to try to think of one more thing to do--especially when it comes to entertaining the kiddos. If you're like me, you love creating and being creative within your home and want to find ways to invite your kids into that. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
How Our Morning Went from Chaos to Peace Within Minutes | Intentional Living
The morning was chaos. We all woke up a little grumpy and hungry. There was complaint after complaint and I couldn't seem to get a word in before someone else needed my help. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
4 Easy Ways Add Creativity into Your Home This Year | Creative Living
One thing I’ve realized a lot more recently is how we have naturally brought creativity into our home in almost effortless ways and how that has infused creativity into every other aspect of our kid’s lives. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
10 Things That Changed Our Life in 2023
A snippet of how 2023 changed our lives for the better. Read more...
Coley Kuyper
How to Make a Birthday Party Easy & Meaningful with Things You Already Have at Home| Norah's First Birthday
Ideas for how to make your little ones next birthday party EASY, SIMPLE and still so beautiful with things you already have at home! Read more...
Coley Kuyper